West Seattle, including the reas of, Alkai, Admiral and Delridge, has 403 homes for sale as of this writing, ten times that of the average Seattle neighborhood listing of approximately 40 homes. The regeneration of areas including Alki Point and High Point has created a spike in available homes in the area. In the past 12 months 1875 homes have sold in the area, with home prices ranging from the mid $100s to over $1m.
The area is connected to the rest of Seattle by the King County Metro Service, and there are water taxis and ferries available as well. Public schools in the area include West Seattle High School, Madison Middle School and Gatewood Elementary School.
For more information on West Seattle, visit the West Seattle Blog, which offers local news about various West Seattle neighborhoods, and WSJunction, a site dedicated to retail and community news about the Junction, West Seattle's downtown area.
If you're interested in learning more about real estate opportunities in West Seattle, contact Erik Wicklund.