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There are 41 new single family homes and 3 new condominiums available across 11 communities in Kirkland, WA. This information is current as of March 31, 2014. For the most up to date information, see the Kirkland New Construction page, which is updated daily. Please note some listings may be double-listed as a home and a condo.
Home prices in Kirkland range from the low $400s in Summer Grove, a community with two active listings, to well over $1m in communities including One Eagle Place and Lakeview Lane. The average listing price for a single family home in Kirkland is $970,398 for a 3,181 square foot home, about $305 per square foot. Over the last six months, the average sales price for a single family home has been $730,399 for a 3,143 square foot home, $232 per square foot.
Some of Western Washington's most active homebuilders are active in Kirkland, including Toll Brothers Camwest, which is building homes at Enclave at Surfmere.
There is currently 2.1 months of residential housing supply in Kirkland, which indicates a seller's market. There are a variety of methods for calculating months of housing supply. We calculate it by taking the average number of homes and condos sold per month over the trailing 6 months (108.3) and dividing that into the number of houses & condos currently for sale (223). 20% of the residential real estate market in Kirkland is composed of new homes.
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