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There are currently 42 new single family homes across three communities available in Edmonds, WA. The city is Snohomish County's third most popular city for new construction based upon total homes available. This information is current as of April 7, 2014. For the most up to date information, please visit the Edmonds new construction page, which is updated daily.
New home prices in Edmonds range from the high $300k range in Meadowdale Vista, a community with 21 active listings, to over $1m at Estates at Highland Bay, which current has four active listings. New single family homes in Edmonds have a current average listing price of $447,095 for a 2,648 square foot home, or $169 per square foot. Over the last six months, the actual sales prices for new single family homes has averaged $603,735 for a 2,939 square foot home, or $205 per square foot. These prices are in line with some other cities in Snohomish County, such as Lynnwood. Over the last six months in Lynnwood, the actual sales price for new single family homes has averaged $413,584 for a 2,463 square foot home, or $168 per square foot.
Some of Western Washington's most active home builders are building homes in Edmonds.
There are currently 2.6 months of residential housing supply in Edmonds which indicates a seller's market. There are a variety of methods for calculating months of housing supply. We calculate it by taking the average number of homes and condos sold per month over the trailing 6 months (59.8) and dividing that into the number of houses & condos currently for sale (158). 27% of the residential housing market in Edmonds is composed of new homes, which is lower than other Snohomish County cities including Lynnwood, where new homes compose 37% of the residential market.
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