December 19, 2024 — This page contains listing and community info
for homes listed where M & P Builders is referenced as the builder.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Wicklund Real Estate represent M & P Builders?
No. M & P Builders has listing agents that have put listings into the MLS and those listings are
made available to websites like ours.
Can a Wicklund Real Estate team member help me find and buy a home?
Yes, when you view the details of a community or listing, contact info for the
Wicklund team member that covers the area will be available.
Does this page include all of the homes built by M & P Builders?
This page is for newly built homes found in the NWMLS using keywords that match
M & P Builders. Listings are pulled from the MLS several times per day.
We try to get them all but if the keywords used by the listing agent are different
than what we're looking for, some listings may be missed. We try to correct this when it happens.
Is M & P Builders the seller of these homes?
Not necessarily.
The legal entity that actually built or is actually selling each property may vary, the builder and the listing
information has not been verified by us so please be
sure to verify this information.
What's the best way to approach buying a home from a home builder?
The legal entity that actually built or is actually selling each property may vary, the builder and the listing
information has not been verified by us so please be
sure to verify this information. Listing data is provided courtesy of NWMLS, not compiled or published by NWMLS.